Saturday, November 26, 2011


Today I write at 1:00 AM AZ time as I cannot sleep. Though, my insomnia is not without reason. Today I was ecstatic to see that my first eBook cover had been formatted and uploaded, meaning you can now see my design in the Amazon Kindle store and wherever else Jeffrey Mariotte is selling his books.

This is exciting to me. My previous projects include mostly web work. This is a new market. A new medium (sort of). While it's still digital, it's an entirely different process and mindset than that of a website.

This little endeavor was a success as well. Not only did it seem the author enjoyed my work, but he has expressed interest in working more with me in the future. As a bonus, I've already been working with another client on two short story covers, both of which I'll be sharing on here when those have published as well.

It took a bit of hard work to get here, but I am happy with where I am going. I have many projects on the horizon, personal and professional. I look forward to pursuing the literary design passion further as well as continuing in my web ninja skills (of which I'm counting the days on launching another musical group's website).

Just thought I'd share the thrill quickly. More updates soon as the projects keep on rolling!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Busy year

I almost forgot I built my own blog.

That's how busy I've been.

Personally, I'm now married and more recently, I have a kid on the way!

Professionally, I've seen my busiest summer of freelance, added responsibilities as a project manager at EdOptions, and help co-found a game design company here in Arizona.

That's where all my time has gone.

But I do need to keep up on my own updates, so simply put, I'm going to put two of my summer projects here.

First of which, has been more of a year-long project, is the start-up game company: Hunger Interactive. Since joining, I've helped launch their Web & Mobile ambitions, with a Web site that is ever growing with articles, games, and more, and we're on the cusp of launching a Facebook game, a mobile app, and beginning a new mobile exclusive game.

When visiting, don't forget to check out the about page and my Getting Comfy with ActionScript 3.0 series of articles that I wrote.

My other summer project has been working for a couple musical groups in Kansas City, MO. I designed logos for both groups, both are related and wanted a similar style. The first site launched in August, the other is still being finalized. Both are done using WordPress's powerful tools so each group will be able to adjust content on their pages.

I have many projects still popping up and I still want to do freelance tips and tricks related posts here as well. Either way, you will be able to see articles by me at Hunger Interactive. But, hopefully it won't be nearly a year before my next post here. :P